the film lives on in your head because it reached its end.
my fairy godfather once told me films are unlike people,you can hold on to them ,see?
i float in and from one film to another.michel poiccard breathes for me.
sometimes i walk out of films if i'm enjoying it too much.the film has already ended in the mind.i pick at my lot of sensations and take my time to savor them before they start fading into the background with the other sounds.michel poiccard breathes.he has in him what i foresaw in all those who past through my life.i was just waiting for the michel who decided to stop the running,because i had decided to stop a long time ago too.
.. the michels in my life?,........they figured it too late. the film had ended.i believe one doesn't really leave the people one loves. and when one does,the love has changed into something is energy. if it doesn't change into something else and stays at the same intensity,flickering uncertainly in the corridors between two rooms,there's no way anyone else gets any of it. when love doesn't go to the place it wants to go to it starts decaying the body it lives looks bleak. nothing is pretty.i make films because i love life.i am 25 and have only just found respect for my toes.there is much to see.
they were just too late.