Monday 19 January 2009

when you're hit by a lot of vocals you tend to settle down into whatever is easiest on the ears..listen to 'rewind' by Goldspot on my 'nefarious'(**yes ,yes arpit..we will exercise these excesses**) podcast.

to get some things out of the way,on my long saunter around the western coast i had lots of things dying to come out in some form,so before i get over the urge,permit me to exegete.
firstly,if you're meaning to ask me why the words are hurling around corners and being slammed in your face,then,i'd tell you it's because a friend and i have decided to exercise our late(nt) vocabularies...something must come of mr. mCaulay's superbly successful endeavors which have left me me with broken hindi,broken malayalam,broken french,broken italian,broken marathi.

one must do something with this strangely sound english then.who knows, the writing might even seem to be in cipher to those used to their packet of ten word vocabularies.even much can one iron out the wrinkles for the sake of deconstruction.'Balls to it.',she says.

for those who are still reading,(lol...)our game involves not using any thesaurus or dictionary in the extrusion,like while one is writing...because more often than not we're frighteningly bang on with the exact meanings..god knows what all is stored in the recesses of this brain..

like this word my friend adopted recently..
nubivagant, adj.
moving through or among the clouds


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