Sunday 3 October 2010


"She had prepared eighteen to twenty nice hand stitched dresses, all in time for you.
When she was admitted in the hospital she instructed the nurse to get you to her in the best of the little dresses.
We had a brand new ambassador, not my own,... given by a friend of ours to facilitate taking her to the hospital 
and to bring you back safely..
And from then on you've always been in a car
basically you were born on a silver plate 
and we've been taking you around on a golden plate..
So that's the story till now you're a rascal
so that's that...."

Apaa paused then for a bit, I could imagine him looking outside at the water, little crinkles by the sides of his eyes, 
even more crinkly now, since he was thinking of that other time.

"...... I remember all the dresses mummy had made, about eighteen to twenty of them
basically to cover your body
so they could move easily over your head, with the back open
all the best of cotton
so there would be no rashes
you were such a cute little girl
we had given the name even before you were born
and now you don't want to talk to either mummy or me."

He laughed his gentle, rumbly laugh. And I smiled, here so far away in Mumbai. 
With apaa still on the line, I looked at the cityscape around me distractedly, and slowed down a bit, wasn't familiar all over again. goddamit.

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